About Us
Ronnie Moas is the Founder of Philanthropy and Philosophy and Founder and Director of Research at highly regarded (and highly ranked) independent stock market research provider Standpoint Research.
This new site and organization was created in order to educate, raise awareness, and encourage more charitable giving and philanthropy. The goal of this organization is to cripple the tobacco industry, reduce the gap between rich and poor worldwide, push for limits on executive compensation, increases in the minimum wage, higher taxes on the upper class, and improvement for workers on assembly lines in Asia who have been, and continue to be abused and underpaid for many years. In the second half of 2014 Ronnie will add Lobbyists, Labor in Food Supply Chains, Pharmaceuticals, and Water Stewardship and Sustainability to the list of causes he is fighting for.
Ronnie walked more than 3,000 miles by himself since 2007 through more than 50 countries on six continents and 25 (US) States. What he has seen in his travels and in his analysis of hundreds of US companies tormented him. By early 2014, he had seen enough and decided - in a move that was unprecedented in the financial services industry - to blacklist four major companies - Apple, Amazon, Philip Morris and Yahoo - on ethical and moral grounds. He then wrote a 44-page report that was distributed worldwide on February 24, 2014, titled Extreme Capitalism and the Race to the Bottom. That report is available for free at both of his web sites www.standpointresearch.com and www.philanthropyandphilosophy.com
Ronnie continues to run Standpoint Research and currently advises and sells his research to pension funds, hedge funds, asset management firms and individuals. Mr. Moas began his career on Wall Street as an analyst and market strategist at leading Nasdaq market maker Herzog Heine Geduld. He was responsible for making sector, industry and stock recommendations, identifying arbitrage opportunities and hedging strategies. During his years at HHG, he demonstrated remarkable accuracy with his market forecasts and stock recommendations. Mr. Moas left HHG in late 2000 -- before the sale of HHG to Merrill Lynch was finalized -- in order to start his own firm a few months after correctly forecasting the Nasdaq collapse in a timely manner.
Mr. Moas spent the next few years developing and back-testing a 155-variable equity valuation and diagnostic model. The model has been run more than 800 times since development was completed in June 2003. The model has since then built an exceptional track record of more than 700 recommendations. Mr. Moas has authored, published and distributed more than 900 research reports to-date. In 2002, he wrote a 284-page research report back-testing more than one-dozen different trading strategies on 20 years of data. In 2003, Mr. Moas was one of the first analysts on Wall Street to forecast bull markets in commodities, Brazil, Russia, India and China. He also exited (mid-2007) and re-entered (late-2008) in a timely manner.
Ronnie has been audited and issued nearly 400 stock recommendations since 2008. According to Motley Fool, Standpoint Research is the only firm on Wall Street to beat the S&P-500 by at least 500 basis points with more than 68% of their recommendations versus more than 150 active competitors with a statistically significant sample size of recommendations on file. They have been tracking Standpoint Research since October 2008 and have the 393 recommendations on file time-stamped that the firm made since then ... 74 were open, and 319 were closed (as of February 11, 2014). See rankings table on the Standpoint Research Home Page (center) and track record document on the Performance page. Standpoint is now widely recognized as one of the top equity research firms in the US and Internationally. Ronnie appeared many times on Bloomberg, Fox and CNBC and has been interviewed or quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, The New York Times, BusinessWeek, streetinsider.com, benzinga.com and Barron’s (among others). Ronnie is also a contributor at Seeking Alpha.
Mr. Moas received a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business with Honors from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and a Master’s degree in Finance and Investments from Baruch College, City University of New York. Mr. Moas was born in New York and lived in Israel from 1983-1992. He returned to New York after completing a three-year Israeli military service in artillery and intelligence with rank of Sergeant. Before returning to the United States in 1993, Ronnie worked at Shuki Weiss Int’l Concert Productions where a few of his production credits included the Haifa Seaport Blues Festival, Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Buddy Guy, Koko Taylor, James Cotton, Sue Foley and Suede. Ronnie designed this web site and has been the owner of an articulate African Grey Parrot (named KooKoo since 2001). Mr. Moas owns a very large music collection of 1,500 cds and has been to more than 200 concerts. In 2014, Ronnie is taking a 25,000 mile, three-week, trip around the world via Alaska, Japan, South Korea, Siberia, Switzerland and France. Ronnie posts photos from his travels on the GALLERY page and they are available exclusively to donors.