Standpoint Research
Ronnie Moas is the Founder of Philanthropy and Philosophy, Inc. Ronnie is also the Founder and Director of Research at Standpoint Research. Ronnie MoasOf the more than 150 active research firms that Motley Fool tracks -- that have a statistically significant sample size of recommendations on file -- Standpoint Research is the # 1 ranked firm for accuracy through February 14, 2014 – 68.6% of their (393) time-stamped stock recommendations since Q4, 2008 beat the S&P-500 by at least 500 bps. No audited firm in financial services can match that figure.Standpoint Research is now widely recognized as one of the top equity research firms in the US (and internationally). Ronnie has appeared many times on CNBC, Fox and Bloomberg (television), and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, BusinessWeek and Barron's. Ronnie founded Standpoint Research in 2003 after spending several years developing a proprietary 155-variable valuation and diagnostic model to assist him in generating equity investment ideas. Fundamental and subjective overlays are applied before going out with actual recommendations.

Ronnie decided that his two companies should be connected. Ronnie wants to help people make money in the stock market -- while avoiding (extremely) unethical and immoral companies – Ronnie Moasso that they can improve their own financial situation and have more money to donate to charities and philanthropic causes. Ronnie is usuallyrequested to appear on television as the Founder and Director of Research at Standpoint Research as opposed to appearing as the Founder of Philanthropy and Philosophy. When Ronnie appears on television, he usually discusses the causes he is fighting for and highlighted on this site. On the Videos page are links to recent television appearance Ronnie has made. Ronnie also wants people to invest, spend and give in a more socially conscious way, so he directs people coming here to Standpoint Research and vice versa.

Ronnie MoasIf you are an institution or individual (with at least an intermediate level of understanding), and have an interest in subscribing to this highly ranked and highly regarded service, please visit for more information. Ronnie practices what he preaches and is very passionate about social issues. That should be clear to anyone who reads the 44-page report from February 24 – see link to report on the Home page of this web site.

Ronnie takes a lot of the profit from Standpoint Research to fund this site and the crusade he is on. By subscribing at Standpoint Research (and supporting Philanthropy and Philosophy), you will help guarantee that Ronnie can go on with this battle he is fighting for the poor (on his own) against very powerful individuals, politicians, lobbyists and corporations.